So all the family has decided to come to your place for Christmas and, with just weeks to go, you’ve gone into a major panic! You look around the house – and check your bank account – and realise the options are limited. What to do?
Relax – there is a solution! Making over a room doesn’t have to mean a major renovation. With these helpful tips, you can give your home a bright new look on a shoestring in just a few days.
Small Changes Make A Big Difference
The thing is, small changes can often have the biggest impact. And the most important of those is clearing away the clutter. That’s probably something you’ve been meaning to do for ages and now you have a really good reason to get on with it.
Systematically go through your home and decide on the items you want to keep on display. Then look through the rest and start three piles – store, throw, giveaway.
Items you don’t really have room for but want to keep for sentimental reasons can be neatly stowed away in lidded plastic containers – to keep out mice, rats etc – and hidden away in the garage, attic or under the stairs.
Already you’ll be noticing a fresher, cleaner look to your home and your spirits will lift, too.
Add Some Greenery
Next, add some greenery. And I don’t just mean a couple of pot plants! Splash out on a lovely indoor tree, in a pretty planter or basket, and place it in the most boring corner.
Fiddle Leaf Fig mania has taken the interior design world by storm in recent years. Loved for their large glossy, leathery leaves, they make great house plants.
Another great quick fix is slipcovers, or at the very least, throws. If the lounge suite has seen better days, this will give you a fresh new look for a fraction of the price. Depending on your style of furniture, slipcovers can be bought off the shelf, or custom made.
Most major Manchester stores stock a fantastic selection of throws these days, from crisp cotton to comforting faux.
How about re-arranging the furniture? Sounds simple – and it is – but again, it will help create a brand new look, and possibly make better use of the space, too.
A Pot Of Paint Works Wonders
And while you’re moving furniture anyway, why not give the walls a new lick of paint, choosing bright, light colours to open up the space visually, and give your home a more modern appeal. You would be amazed the difference a $50 can of paint will make!
Another effective cheapie is changing your light and lamp shades. Pick them up from the hardware store and you’ll find some great looks with small price tags. be sure to match them in with your paint colours and throws.
Take a look at your windows. If they are a bit grubby a really good clean will make a huge difference. And check if the blinds or curtains need replacing. In fact, you could try replacing all the curtains with blinds anyway, to match your new uncluttered look.
A similar approach, in the kitchen and bathroom, is to replace the knobs and handles. For a fraction of the price, you can give the impression of a major makeover!
Add some fresh flowers, artwork, and rearrange the treasures you chose to keep and hey presto! Your home – and your bank balance – is looking fabulous!