DistributorsFood and HospitalityManufacturerManufacturingPackagingWholesalerWholesalers
$ 450,000
$450,000 + SAV
- Post Updated: 2024-01-08 14:23:05
- Status: SOLD
- Type: Businesses For Sale
- Location: Melbourne
- Business ID: BS154424
This profitable business offers a complete end-to-end sustainable food service packaging solution to a range of customers.
A leading supplier in the growing eco-friendly compostable packaging market, and still small enough to remain nimble in an ever-changing environment.
It is one of the few to specialise in this field, with no traditional oil-based packaging as part of the product offering.
- Supplies internationally/domestically manufactured packaging to a large variety of retail customers.
- Supplies domestic wholesalers (resellers).
- Sources and supplies compostable custom print and custom retail packaging to end users and wholesalers (resellers).
- Offers an organic waste collection service to enable diversion from landfill and to create a circular economy to support packaging sales.
- Customers include cafes, bakeries, restaurants, childcare centers, aged care centers, food processors/manufacturers, food trucks, coffee roasters, offices, pubs/clubs and wholesalers (resellers).
- Excellent Industry reputation – 5 out of 5 Star Google reviews – Limited competition offering an entire end to end solution.
- Hugely benefiting from recent government enforced plastic bans.
- Central location – good access/rates to third party freight.
- Excellent Assets – including a Van and a new 1.8t forklift.
- Website with easy online ordering, fully integrated stock management software system, and more.
- Genuine reason for sale.
This business has endless opportunities for growth as the market is currently growing exponentially.
This is due to several factors – such as the Federal government nationwide imposed plastic free bans coming into force (100% of packaging is to be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025).
It is also due to increased consumer awareness – and demand.
Additionally, growth can be achieved by easily extending the product range to include additional cleaning and washroom products, recyclable food packaging, and other consumables.
Price: $450,000 + SAV
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- State: Victoria