FitnessGymHealthHealth and FitnessRecreation/SportSports Complex/Gym
$ 69,000
Price: $69,000 Neg WIWO
- Post Updated: 2024-02-27 08:44:54
- Status: SOLD
- Type: Businesses For Sale
- Location: Queensland
- Business ID: BS142828
Niche business for a qualified personal trainer to run the only all-female functional fitness centre on the Southern-end of the Sunshine Coast. The gym is located in an industrial estate in Caloundra West, easily accessed with ample parking. Current membership is approx 50 and increasing, 90% of clients are on 12 month membership contracts and 10% pay in advance.
• Established for 2 years by current owner
• Easily run by one person or add a casual to assist with extra classes if required
• Current owner available to work on a part time basis to run some classes if needed
• Wodify software platform for memberships and Ezidebit for payments
• All equipment in excellent working order – full inventory available
• Personal training and group classes for females only covering all styles of workouts
• Qualifications required for trainer/s – Cert 3 and Cert 4 in Fitness, First Aid, CPR and relevant insurance
• Option to be affiliated with CrossFit if a staff member is a qualified CrossFit coach
• Excellent location in a high growth area amongst large residential estates
• Monthly rent is only $2166. Premises size 185m2 (39m2 upstairs), new lease in place, flexible cancellation policy
• Option to introduce other trainers to use facility and assist with rent
• Great relationships with health professionals in the area
• User friendly website and social media platforms established
Current owner is only selling due to a sudden change in family circumstances and has very little time to run classes and take the centre to its full potential. This an opportunity not to be missed! If you have the qualifications and love helping women keep fit, then this is the perfect business and at a perfect price!
Price $69,000 negotiable WIWO