Keeping Yourself Healthy So Your Business Can Thrive

Keeping Yourself Healthy So Your Business Can Thrive

How many times have you seen a business advertised for sale ‘Business for sale due to ill health’? Fairly often, right? Fatigue and burn-out account for the closure or sale of far too many small to medium businesses these days.

Buying your own business is a huge investment of not only your money, but also your time. This is especially true when it’s a small business. Before you know it, you’re wearing a dozen different hats and working around the clock. 

Invest In Your Health

But here’s the point. You may think you are helping your business by working all those extra hours, but you could be damaging it. You will be of much more use if you actually invest some time in your own health and wellbeing.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it will avoid you being forced to sell ‘due to ill health’. And secondly, you make much sounder business decisions when you are rested.

That’s fine in theory, you say, but how do I fit it all in? Work, family, friends, commitments, exercise . . . it’s impossible. It may seem that way but it all comes down to time management and getting help in your business where you can.

Here are some suggestions:

Learn To Delegate

You don’t have to do everything yourself! If you have employed responsible staff, let them do their jobs. Small business owners have a tendency to micromanage. This is not only frustrating for staff, but can be bad for your health, too.

Learn to delegate certain tasks to your team and use that time to go for a walk, visit the gym, or simply eat a healthy lunch.

Spend Time With Family

Is family coming second to your business right now? Then it’s time for a change. Otherwise you could damage both your business and your family. It is important to spend time with loved ones, to help you relax and unwind.

Kicking a ball around the park with the kids or going for a bicycle ride will give you exercise, fresh air and, most importantly, a fresh perspective. There’s an old saying about not being able to see the wood for the trees. By switching off work for a bit, your focus will be clearer and sharper when you return.

Don’t Forget To Eat And Sleep

These are probably the two areas most affected when you have your own business. And they can cause monumental problems.

Think of your brain like a huge in-tray that fills up with information all day long. When we sleep, our body gets to do the ‘filing’, sorting through all that information, and emptying the in-tray ready for the next day.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you never empty the in-tray. It just keeps on building up until your brain can’t cope with any more and you suffer from information overload. Our bodies need sleep for healing and rejuvenation.

And how’s the diet? A coffee for breakfast? A chocolate bar at your desk for lunch? Late dinner? Your body will only tolerate that for a short while. Without a balanced, healthy diet, your organs – including your brain – will start to slow down, or even shut down.

Keeping Healthy Makes You A Better Boss

You might think those quick sugar and caffeine bursts are keeping you going, but they could actually be resulting in unsound business decisions. At the very least, start the day with a healthy breakfast.

Keeping yourself healthy and fit will benefit your business in the long run. You will make more rational decisions, and will be able to better maintain the pace. You will probably be a much better boss to work for, too!

Sell your commercial property or business privately without business brokers. We advertise your business for sale or real estate listing in our go-to website, national glossy Coast to Coast Magazine and major real estate websites reaching many motivated buyers. Call now to sell your business or property 1300 793 792 or email [email protected].

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